Saturday, 20 February 2016

This was written in response to Natasha Badhwar's Tell me what makes you cry (

What makes me cry

My association with tears go a long way back. I particularly recall a conversation we had during our early courtship when Ajay shared that he felt that I may be the less emotional one in the relationship and don't cry. I immediately reassured that I do cry and by now must have proven my point beyond doubt.It is not a quality that I am proud of, but among all those things I inherited from my mom, this has come along too. a google search on why women cry gives a variety of possible reasons ranging from women have smaller eye ducts which gets filled faster.

Crying on an argument, contrary to popular belief, instantly weakens your case as for one - the opponent calls foul 'you are crying' card and two - you are not able to see, talk or think clearly in midst of all that out pour of saline water. I have tried to analyse why I cry on arguments so that I get rid of the habit at the earliest and narrowed down as tiredness as the hidden condition combined with unhappy and angry as the major spoiler. As a matter of fact, tiredness may also be the root cause of the argument. So to avoid tears one should avoid overloading one-self to the extend that one feels the other is a lazy scum bag which may not be entirely true. But on the brighter side I have found few things as therapeutic as crying.